Blog khusus untuk kegiatan fellowship Rotaract Club of Denpasar D-3400. Ruang berbagi artikel, info, humor, resep, gossip, puisi, review, diary, curhat, tukar pendapat antar member. Rotaract Club adalah Club anak muda berusia antara 18-30 tahun, disponsori oleh Rotary Club, suatu organisasi pengabdian masyarakat yang meliputi seluruh dunia.

Sunday, May 01, 2005
On this day:

Kabalarian Philosphy [Ramalan]

The Kabalarian Philosophy (KP) was the brainstorm of Mr. Alfred J. Parker. KP "teaches a concept of constructive living which provides the key to understanding how to control life to bring into reality the happiness, mental freedom, and personal success that everyone seeks."

Why KP rather than any of the other million and one solutions to the riddle of existence? Because the others lack "tangible reality." One tangible reality which KP has is "Name Analysis." According the KP,

Every alphabet has a consistent mathematical order, which allows it to be measured. An analysis of the letters in your name will determine the qualities of your personality.

Your name determines your every experience. It defines your personal stengths [sic] and weaknesses both mentally and physically. It interprets your whole nature. It shows your position in life and your measure of success or failure. When you are named your destiny is created.
Could your name be the single biggest factor holding back your personal and business success? Type your first name below and receive a free brief Name Analysis using the Mathematical Principle as taught in the Kabalarian Philosophy to demonstrate that your name creates your thinking!

First Name:

Male Female


letter after F+ half of 8 +shadow of q + opposite of
d +letter be4 M + middle of sea + 2x 19th
letter++the middle of sun? wats the answer?

Hey ... thanks for visiting my blog .. i got your link from the referring pages ... nice job at your blog!

Keep up the good work... maybe we can link each other someday ... :)


letter after F+ half of 8 +shadow of q + opposite of
d +letter be4 M + middle of sea + 2x 19th
letter++the middle of sun? wats the answer?

miruL reincarnat3d.
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Posted by miruL

5/02/2005 04:12:00 am



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